TOGETHER , we will overcome the COVID – 19 .

Together , we will overcome the COVID - 19 pandemic .


TOGETHER , we will overcome the COVID – 19 .


Together , we will overcome the COVID – 19 .

The human – race survived former pandemics , overcame

their outcomes & kept progressing . It will happen again .


COVID – 19 = CO – Corona ; VI – Virus ; D – Disease ;

                                       19 – 2019 .


COVID – 19 is a novel ( Never before seen ; Unknown ) type of

a human Coronavirus . A disease that causes respiratory

tract infections & can be lethal . Highly contagious !


This is a global struggle against a severe natural disaster , that has the

potential & the capacity to extinct the human – race .

This is survival .



This is not a war . War is a regional conflict between states , that aren’t

able to solve their differences in a peaceful manner . One too many

innocent people loose their life , because of inability to compromise .


6 Steps to prevent COVID – 19 / Coronavirus .



Coronavirus emphasizes 2 major problems .


This problems are not political issues . They are global & common to

all countries , states & the human – race .


1. History teaches us lessons , but our collective memory is short .

     Yes , we are tired of angry prophets , but that doesn’t mean we can

     ignore science upon conveniency .


    There is no doubt in my mind that a cure for the COVID – 19 will

    be available , but why were the warnings ignored & why there wasn’t

    early alert system . Now , a lot more human life will be lost .

    Completely unnecessary !


2. It’s about time for each & every one of us to change attitude

     towards the rest of us & not only during emergency .


     Togetherness is in our genes . It’s about time to accept others

     the way they are , without judging them .


     Live & Let Live .



COVID – 19 & homelessness .


Unfortunately , the homeless population will shrink , at large ,

because of the the COVID -19 .


Lack of proper nutrition & hygiene , substance abuse & poor

health & immune systems , will be responsible for the large number

of homeless people ,that will loose their life .


It should be a priority for the central government & local authorities ,

to do as much as possible to save as many as possible during the

pandemic & to make sure that the economy , after the panademic

is contained , won’t add others to their numbers .



” Shelter – in – Place ” order & you .


” Shelter – in – Place ” order explained .


It’s not them ( the authorities ) , it’s us ( the people ) .


When a recommendation is not accompanied with a sanction , many

of us don’t comply . Since ” The Coronavirus is everywhere ” , this order

& Social Distancing are our responsibilities in supporting their efforts

to contain the virus & minimize the loss of human life .


There is a positive side to it . When was the last time you had so much

time for yourself ? – Now use it properly & prepare yourself for the first

” normal day ” after .


Just in case …


– Maintain a work – week discipline . Wake on time , create goals for the

   day & make it happen .


– Invest time in bonding & catch up with the family .


– Books are a great source of ideas , knowledge &

  imagination – Enjoy !


– Invest time maintaining your contacts & try to create

             new ones . It might prove itself in the future .


– Pay attention to proper nutrition & exercise .


– Stressed ? – Try this .



& Remember – ” Neither Hope Nor Success skip those who

               progress between failures . ” – I.D.A.








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