New – Year Resolution – Your environment matters .

New - Year Resolution - Your Environment Matters .


New -Year Resolution – Your environment matters .


New -Year Resolution – Your environment matters .

Your environment is where , with who & how you interact ,

in order to live & thrive . In order to realize your resolution

successfully , you must be able to adapt yourself accordingly .


What is your environment ?

Albert Einstein provided the most accurate definition :

” The environment is everything that isn’t me . “


Meaning – People , Situations & Spaces / by categories :

Your Social & Physical Environments .


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All about Empathy – Definition , Types , Importance & more .

All about Empathy

All about Empathy .

Empathy is a stepping stone in the human society .

Understanding Empathy & learning how to enhance it ,

is beneficial for both the individual & his / her social environment .


Empathy – Definition .

Empathy is the individual ability to sense , understand & share

another individual’s emotions , feelings & thoughts , from the

other individual’s point of view .

Additional definition , is the individual’s imaginative ability to

project his subjective thought into an object , as if it is the object’s

own attribute .


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