September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month .


September is National Preparedness Month in the U.S.A. , since 2004 .

The government agency in charge of the campaign is F. E. M .A. ;

Federal Emergency Management Agency .


The concept was developed after September 11th , 2001 , as an on –

going campaign to strengthen the United States .

Save more human lives , minimize the effects of the hazard & return

back to ” normal ” , as fast as possible .



The idea is to keep people alert to the importance of preparation for

a hazard , before it strikes , so they’ll be able to survive it , on better

terms , afterwards .


A hazard can be anything , from natural disaster to a man made

( a terror attack , for example ) .


The additional reason September was chosen , is because the Atlantic

hurricane season reaches it’s peak around the middle of the month .


Find your Local Emergency Management Agency here .



Year round readiness .




Make saving money , for emergency , a daily or a weekly habit .

At the end of each day get a couple of notes out of your pocket

& place them in a piggy bank ; can’t do it on a daily base , do it

          @ the end of each week . You must feel the burden , otherwise

the contribution will be too small & you’ll regret it , in case of

emergency . Cash is the King .



At home .


Emergency plan Each household should have an emergency

plan – What’s next when a hazard strikes ?

Engage every household member in your plan , and make sure

they understand its importance . Kids included .


Battery operated  AM / FM Radio – This might be the only

method of getting updates , about news & weather , in an

emergency .


Flashlights , a couple of fire starters & Mylar blankets .


Supplies – In case you don’t have to evacuate your home , these

will let the family survive for a couple of days , without outside help .


First -Aid kit ; A weekly supply of medicine , for those who need it .

Include a large bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide .


Plenty of mineral water ; Canned nutritious food ; Dry nuts & fruits

& don’t forget your pet / pets !


Alternative source of power ( in case you loose electricity ) –

Generator , power banks & spare sets of batteries .


A good HD & long para cord , good quality duct tape & plenty of HD

garbage bages . Tarps & buckets might be useful as well .


Remember to refresh the inventory @ the beginning of every

season .



In case of an immediate mandatory evacuation .


This should be part of your emergency plan .

Time is of the essence ! Every fit person , in your household , should

know his responsibilities & should take part in the common effort .

Special planing is required for disabled family members & your pet /

pets .


In the closest closet to the main entrance to your home you should have

a suitcase or a duffle bag ( or plural ) . The kind that is easier to carry &

handle , so most household members will take active part .


What should be packed & ready to go ? Plan for , at least , 4 to 7 days .


Medicine – For those that need it & a First – Aid kit .


AM / FM Radio ( battery operated ) ; Flashlights ; Spare batteries ;

Power banks & cords for all the cellulars ; Multitools ; Fire starters

( like : BIC disposable lighters , weatherproof matches , etc. … ) ;

Para cord ; Duct tape & Mylar blankets .


Clothes & shoes , for each household member – At least , 5 Pairs of

underwear sets , including socks ; 2 sets of shirts & pants ; Heavy ,

weatherproof top ; Additional pair of shoes / sandals .


Towels & toiletry bag for each household member .


Remember to refresh the content , at least , twice a year .


In cases of big families , it’ll be wise to let every household

member to have his / hers own bag packed & ready for

evacuation .



The family car .


The minimum – 2 Gl. of bottled water ; 2 Lb. of dry fruit & nuts ;

2 wool blankets / sleeping bags ; 10′ by 10′ waterproof tarp ; A First

– Aid kit , including Hydrogen Peroxide bottle ; A good quality fixed

blade knife ; A multitool ; HD para cord ; Duct tape ; Flashlights ;

Fire starters ; Mylar blankets ; Red strobe light ; Spare batteries &

a large capacity power bank ; Paper towels & sanitizing wipes ;

A couple of large & strong garbage bags .


Remember to refresh the content , at least , 4 times annually .



The business , in case you own it .


Consult with your Local Chamber of Commerce , the steps you

need to take , in order to minimize a possible damage to your

business & the fastest possible way to turn it fully operational again ,

after the hazard is gone .



Your community center .


Your community center provides help & support for the

people in the community ( especially for those with special needs ) .


It’s a great place to get involved in your community , meet

other community members & make a difference in the lives

of those that struggle .


F.E.M.A.’S campaign : September is National Preparedness Month ,

should help you raise the awareness to the importance of being

prepared , among members , & make sure that the center is ready

to transform into an emergency shelter .






Download to your mobile phone , the American Red Cross’s mobile apps ,

that fit your needs , situation & location HERE . These apps will help

you cope on better terms with a hazard & even save human lives .













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