Procrastination – Irrational behavior or just a delay ?



Procrastination - Irrational behavior or just a delay ?


Procrastination definition .


Is Procrastination an irrational behavior or just a time delay ?


Procrastination is the action of intentional delay in start working

on a task , which is restricted by a certain deadline .


Avoiding a task , especially if it has a deadline , is possible only

if the task becomes irrelevant .


Since most people have the tendency to procrastinate , the

definition applies to Chronic Procrastination .


Scientific research found , that about 20% of the U.S. population

are chronic procrastinators .


Chronic procrastinators , usually , lack time – management

skills & are sensitive to the respond of their social environment .



3 Popular justifications for Chronic Procrastination .


– Arousal – As deadline gets closer , self – stimulation rises .


– Avoid a predefined fear of possible outcome – Which

   can be either failure or success .


– Unable to decide how to approach the task , because

   doesn’t want to take responsibility for its outcome .



Causes of Procrastination .


– Psychoanalysis & other self – oriented psychodynamic

   theories claim that people who procrastinate , are morally deficient

   & exhibit signs of self – defeating irrational behavior .


   The task is viewed as unpleasant , even stressful , & the idea is to

   avoid doing it , as long as possible .


– Positive Psychology claims , that people develop inner motivation to

   procrastinate  , even though they understand it’s a wrong practice .


   Morals & beliefs are responsible for thoughts & thoughts determine behavior .

   Behavior can be explained by a different set of priorities & doesn’t have to

   be irrational .



2 Types of procrastinators .


Active Procrastinator –


Deliberate Procrastination period within an efficient time – management .

The task is completed on – time & @ competitive level , even though

 it was a planned part of the process .


Active procrastinator allocates time for Procrastination , while a non –

procrastinator doesn’t .

Otherwise , both start & finish competitively on – time .


Passive procrastinator –


 Noticeable level of discomfort combined with poor time –

management skills .


Inability to start , shrinks the amount of time , that will be

dedicated to complete the task .

Outcome , upon completion , will be acceptable @ best .



Procrastination effects .


  • Time lost isn’t redeemable – Unfinished / incomplete tasks ,

become a part of the present . As time goes by , Tasks accumulate ,

but the amount of time to complete each one , in the present ,

shrinks . This will reflect on the outcome .


  • Second hand effects – When it’s a matter of a team – work , whether

@ home or @ work , Procrastination slows down the collective effort &

will affect the quality of the outcome .

This also creates interpersonal tensions , that may harm relationships .


  • Poor results & negative social feedback can support dysfunctional

behavior & also lead to different psychological disorders .



Minimize your Procrastination .


– Time is money – Even if gratification isn’t immediate ,

   it’s all about the strategy you build your life upon .


   We pay the bills on time , not because we like it , but because

   we don’t want to face the sanctions attached to not paying .

   That’s part of life & we don’t want it to slow us down .


   Build yourself a life time strategy , with intermediate goals .

   Once you’ll realize that some issues must be dealt with as chores ,

    you’ll be able to get where you want .


Mel Robbins – Immediate & on the spot solution .


Prof. Jordan Peterson Long – term solution .

  Take responsibility & rethink where you want

  your life to take you .  A must watch !











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