Resilience – Better Skills , Quicker Recovery .

Resilience - Better Skills , Faster Recovery .
What is Resilience ? Click on the pic.

Resilience – Better Skills , Quicker Recovery .

Personal ability , in use daily , that can be enhanced by learning a proper

set of skills . Quicker recovery results in a faster personal growth .


Resilience – Definition .

The capacity to recover from adversities & / changes , in life ,

 return quickly to a previous familiar state & use the experience

 to grow personally .

 Three key components in the definition :

1. Stress – Resilience requires stress ;

2. Durability – Effectively managing life’s daily challenges ;

3. Bouncing back – Recover from adversities & proceed .


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Happiness , Positive Emotions & Well Being .

Happiness , Subjective Well Being & Well Being

Introduction .


Happiness , Positive Emotions & Well Being .

 This are terms that define our Quality of Life .

Here you’ll find their definitions , how do they relate to

each other & to what extent they effect our daily life .


Even if our definition of Happiness is different , we all

realize it’s importance , in our life .

Who doesn’t want to be happier & share Happiness

more often ?


Happiness is subjective .

Click here to learn how you can enhance yours .


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All about Empathy – Definition , Types , Importance & more .

All about Empathy

All about Empathy .

Empathy is a stepping stone in the human society .

Understanding Empathy & learning how to enhance it ,

is beneficial for both the individual & his / her social environment .


Empathy – Definition .

Empathy is the individual ability to sense , understand & share

another individual’s emotions , feelings & thoughts , from the

other individual’s point of view .

Additional definition , is the individual’s imaginative ability to

project his subjective thought into an object , as if it is the object’s

own attribute .


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Simple 4 Dimensions , Step By Step , Website Protection .

Simple 4 dimensions website protection .

Intro – Simple 4 dimensions

          website protection .


We can all agree that the world wide web is the biggest looting

ground ever existed .


The idea is not to scare you , but to help you protect yourself &

your possessions . The 4 dimensions are : You , the entity that

registered the domain name , your domain name , your website

& your website’s visitors .


This is important & critical for everyone who owns a website .

This article will save those , with non or partially protected

website , a lot of research time .


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New Beginning .


No matter how drastic & significant a new beginning is , almost everyone

of us experience it during his / her lifetime .

Whether it’s voluntary or an outcome of the circumstances , we realize that

from this point in time , reality ,as we know it , has changed & it’s upon us

to proceed .

Here are a few guide lines to help you evaluate your current life status &

important factors , you should consider , in case you decide to start over .


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