Procrastination – Irrational behavior or just a delay ?



Procrastination - Irrational behavior or just a delay ?


Procrastination definition .


Is Procrastination an irrational behavior or just a time delay ?


Procrastination is the action of intentional delay in start working

on a task , which is restricted by a certain deadline .


Avoiding a task , especially if it has a deadline , is possible only

if the task becomes irrelevant .


Since most people have the tendency to procrastinate , the

definition applies to Chronic Procrastination .


Scientific research found , that about 20% of the U.S. population

are chronic procrastinators .


Chronic procrastinators , usually , lack time – management

skills & are sensitive to the respond of their social environment .


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Hoarding Disorder – Definition , Symptoms , Causes & Treatment

Hoarding Disorder
Click on the pic.



Hoarding Disorder – Definition .


Hoarding – The action of accumulating items & piling them

                        on different surfaces , in the living / working space .


Hoarding Disorder – Mental disorder . The compulsive urge

                        to accumulate items , combined with the persistent

                        inability to discard them .


                       Hoarding Disorder ranges from mild to severe .

                       Decided upon the extent of the Hoarder’s dysfunctional

                       level in his / hers daily life .


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Lower your cost of living

Lower your cost of living


Lower your cost of living .


” The cost of living in the U.S. has risen 14% over the past 3 years “

claims an article @ , published on 12 – 27 / 2018 .


This statement was a confirmation of the reality we experience daily .

But even in such a harsh times , there are ways to lower costs & save

money .


I never paid much attention to my monthly utility bills , unless the

amount was way higher than the monthly average . Even then ,

i ended up paying it .


As long as i was content with the service , i kept paying the bills

without questioning the costs .


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Affordable Health Care , NY , 2019

Affordable Health Care NY

Affordable Health Care Plans

@ NY State Marketplace .


What’s new in the 2019 NY Affordable  Health Care :


1. Uninsured – Starting at 2019 , purchasing Health Care

     plan is not mandatory anymore . It means , that no one

     will have to pay a penalty fee , when filing 2019 tax return .


2. Deadlines  – Enroll by : 12 – 15 / 2018 , for a coverage

      starting : 1 – 1 / 2019 .


3. Eligibility  – To enroll to NY State marketplace you must

      be : A legal U.S. citizen or resident & not incarcerated .


4. Coverage   – Essential health benefits , pre – existing conditions

     & preventive services .


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Minimize the risk of getting scammed .

Minimize the risk of getting scammed .

Minimize the risk of getting scammed .


Unfortunately attempts to scam , most of us , became part of our

daily routine .

Scam attempts use all means of access , like : phone , mail , web ,

etc. … , & become more sophisticated as time goes by .

The vast majority of it try , & sometimes succeed to hit our pockets .


One of our highest priorities should be to recognize a scam attempt ,

learn how to avoid it ( protect ourselves ) & report it to the

authorities .


Call To Action .


One of the most updated places to learn more about scams , how to

avoid them & get alerts is the : Federal Trade Commission’s website .


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