New – Year Resolution – Your environment matters .

New - Year Resolution - Your Environment Matters .


New -Year Resolution – Your environment matters .


New -Year Resolution – Your environment matters .

Your environment is where , with who & how you interact ,

in order to live & thrive . In order to realize your resolution

successfully , you must be able to adapt yourself accordingly .


What is your environment ?

Albert Einstein provided the most accurate definition :

” The environment is everything that isn’t me . “


Meaning – People , Situations & Spaces / by categories :

Your Social & Physical Environments .


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About Gifts & The Custom Of Gift Giving

Gifts & Gifts Giving


About gifts & the custom of gift giving .


Gifts & the custom of gift giving – A practice as ancient as the human

society .


The popular definition of gift giving describes the term as a voluntary

practice , in which a material , money or a service exchanges ownership ,

without a compensation & without the intention to get one in the future .


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How your food consumption affects your brain ?

How food affects the brain


Intro – Your diet & your brain .


How your food consumption affects your brain ?

– Your daily diet affects the structure & the function

of your brain directly & immediately .


The human brain is the central organ of the nervous system

& the most powerful organ in the body .

It controls most of the body’s activities 24 / 7 , a lifetime .


Despite being about 2 % of the body’s weight , it consumes

around 20 % of the daily energy intake .


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September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month .


September is National Preparedness Month in the U.S.A. , since 2004 .

The government agency in charge of the campaign is F. E. M .A. ;

Federal Emergency Management Agency .


The concept was developed after September 11th , 2001 , as an on –

going campaign to strengthen the United States .

Save more human lives , minimize the effects of the hazard & return

back to ” normal ” , as fast as possible .


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Gerrymandering – Creative Human Bias Practice .

Gerrymandering & The Human Bias

Gerrymandering . Click .


Gerrymandering – Creative Human Bias Practice .


Gerrymandering is a creative human bias practice , that affects

the political path of a democracy directly . Second only to election .


It is the reason why there is a difference between the electoral

vote & the popular vote .

While the popular vote indicates the nominee that won the majority

vote , the electoral vote decides who won the elections .


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