Simple 4 Dimensions , Step By Step , Website Protection .

Intro – Simple 4 dimensions

          website protection .


We can all agree that the world wide web is the biggest looting

ground ever existed .


The idea is not to scare you , but to help you protect yourself &

your possessions . The 4 dimensions are : You , the entity that

registered the domain name , your domain name , your website

& your website’s visitors .


This is important & critical for everyone who owns a website .

This article will save those , with non or partially protected

website , a lot of research time .


1. Domain privacy protection .

If you never before heard about this term , go to :

& enter your domain’s name . Within seconds the search

will show : 1. The name of the individual or the organization ,

that registered the domain name , 2. His/ her’s / it’s full

address , 3. His / her’s / it’s phone number ,

4. His / her’s /it’s e-mail address .

Complete contact information .


Website’s owner is required to review & update this information

annually . Failing to do so or providing wrong information , might

result in suspension or even cancellation of the domain name

registration .


The solution – Domain privacy protection . The service provides

regulated & accepted contact information , that replaces the actual

registrant’s information , at the public eye .


The privacy protection plan usually add a cost to the registration .

In my opinion , it’s worth it . Why ? – : 1. Actual contact information

is protected , 2. Domain name hijacking is prevented ,

3. Spam & unsolicited marketing is reduced to a minimum .


Plenty of companies offer this service .

My hosting provider , charges me $ 14.95 per year , for

this service .


2. Website backup & restore service .

Trust yourself & get a reliable backup & restore service , for your

website , on a remote storage .

Things happen & you don’t want to be left without the content you

accumulated , or part of it , overnight .


First , get a remote storage service like : Google Drive / Dropbox etc. …

if you don’t have one already . That’s where the backup files , of your

website , will be stored .


Click here to : install , activate & setup a complete backup & restore

service on your website , starting @ $ 0 cost .


3. Website security service .

Most website building software platforms are secured .

Add another layer of website security & customize it

in accordance to your own needs .


Click here to : install , activate & setup a complete security service

on your website , @ $ 0 cost .


4. S.S.L. Certification & website’s

performance enhancement .

S.S.L. ( Secure Sockets Layer ) Certification is a standard security

technology that sets up an encrypted connection between web browsers

& web servers .


Encrypted connection ensures that all the data transferred remains

private & unreadable to everyone , except the intended server .

Presence of S.S.L. Certification is marked by a visual padlock at the

left side of the browser’s address bar .


Potential visitors , usually , won’t enter a website , that doesn’t

have S.S.L. Certification .


Go to : cloud & sign in . Accounts start from free & upwards .

The free account will provide a basic S.S.L. Certification & will enhance

your website performance , by increasing the speed of the website’s pages

loading  time .


To complete the setup process , click here .


Simple 4 dimensions website

protection – covered :

1. Website’s owner’s contact information

& domain name – Protected ;

2. Website’s content loss – Prevented ;

3. Website – Secured against malware ;

4. Website – Secured for visitor’s interaction .

BONUS :  5. Website’s performance – Enhanced .


No software is guaranteed to deliver 100 percent

protection ! These industry’s standards , combined ,

will provide , our visitors & us , a peace of mind .


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