New Beginning .


No matter how drastic & significant a new beginning is , almost everyone

of us experience it during his / her lifetime .

Whether it’s voluntary or an outcome of the circumstances , we realize that

from this point in time , reality ,as we know it , has changed & it’s upon us

to proceed .

Here are a few guide lines to help you evaluate your current life status &

important factors , you should consider , in case you decide to start over .


Awakening .

As the years went by , i started questioning the reality i created for myself :

1. What do i do for living ? – I hold the highest position , beside the business

     owner , & i’m over – qualified for my job & it’s responsibilities .

2. Why do i do it ? – In the beginning it raised my curiosity & since i wasn’t

             familiar enough with that particular niche , i learned about it on my own .

     Soon i understood , that most of the knowledge i accumulated didn’t

     contribute & was unnecessary . As a result , my interest faded & my

     motivation started diminish , but the job paid the bills .

3. Where does it lead me in the future ? – To sum : i had a dead – end job .

             Strength of a habit & convenience kept me doing it , even though it was

     obvious the business is not going to last much longer .


That was considering myself , as an individual , but there is a more important

        part to the equation : How what you do effects & changes those you do it for ?

– Salary stagnation and constant increase in the cost of living result in standard

of living regression . Done ! It’s time for a new beginning .


Bear in mind :

1. Every day we wake up , is a day less for our journey around here .

     Time is of the essence !

2. Work is a part of our routine . Work / life balance , keeps us focused and

     help us maintain our life in order .


New beginning .

The ultimate alternative for work , is a different work , but one that elevate

you , your family & your standard of living .

Ideally , progressing upwards , not side ways .


How to proceed – a work search guidelines :


1. Write down a list of your passions & prioritize them .

2. Next to each passion , mark down the three major skills needed to convert

     the passion to a steady income .

3. Do you possess these skills ? & if you do , will your personality let you enhance

     them in the context the passion presents ?

4. Summon your closest friends , preferably those that  knows you for a long time ,

     & ask them , what are your main attributes ? Be even more specific : When &

     why you become their go to guy / gal for advice ?

     Take notes of the conversation – Remark next to the person who made it .

     Turn the notes into a list , common to rare .

5. Align your passions & skills with your attributes .

     Got a match ? Go for it ; that’s your future !

     No match ? Time to keep your passions as passions & proceed with your

     attributes , those that make others listen to your advice & opinion .

     Why ? – Success in helping others means progress and progress  is important

     factor for increased motivation .


This is the stage in which you ask yourself , whether you want to

become an employee , again , or you want to start your own business ?


6. Define , at least , five most important characteristics you look for in a new job .

7. Check what jobs are in demand in your area & within the radius you are willing

     to commute .

8. Find statistics ( local , state & federal ) about job trends in the past ten years ;

     it’ll help you make a decision .

9. Once you narrowed down the options , check the culture of the relevant

     organizations . Read their profiles , learn what characterize their team

     & decide whether you can fit in .

     Culture fitness is an important factor in the decision , whether to accept

     or reject a canditate .

10. Update your resume , by adjusting it to be more appealing  to the position &

       to the specific organization .


Good Luck !


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