Life owes us little ; We owe life everything .

Improve your life quality - Life owes us little ; We owe life everything


 Life owes us little ; We owe life everything .


” Life owes us nothing ; We owe life everything . The only true happiness

comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose . ” – William Cowper


The greatest opportunity given to each & everyone of us , while most of

us let it pass by . Living the moment with limited prospects for tomorrow .


Acceptable routine replaces the motivation to improve & the desire not

to suffer replaces the pursuit of happiness .


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Global reality turned into sci fi horror movie .

Reality turned a sci fi horror movie


Global reality turned into sci fi horror movie .


Global reality turned into sci fi horror movie . As times go by , the COVID – 19

pandemic changes reality as we knew it .


The key term to what the whole world experience , since December

2019 , is NOVEL – New & Unknown .

The learning process progresses on a daily bases , as the numbers of

positive cases & the death toll grow worldwide .


When will the COVID – 19 pandemic end ?


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Staying focused during the COVID – 19 pandemic .

Staying focused during the COVID - 19 pandemic .


Staying focused during the COVID – 19 pandemic .


Staying focused during the COVID – 19 pandemic is the best approach

to cope with such a stressful turn of events .


What do we want ? – First & foremost , like any other people around

the world , we want to live our daily life peacefully !

Doesn’t seem that it’ll happen soon , but we’ll get there !


What did we learn so far ?


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TOGETHER , we will overcome the COVID – 19 .

Together , we will overcome the COVID - 19 pandemic .


TOGETHER , we will overcome the COVID – 19 .


Together , we will overcome the COVID – 19 .

The human – race survived former pandemics , overcame

their outcomes & kept progressing . It will happen again .


COVID – 19 = CO – Corona ; VI – Virus ; D – Disease ;

                                       19 – 2019 .


COVID – 19 is a novel ( Never before seen ; Unknown ) type of

a human Coronavirus . A disease that causes respiratory

tract infections & can be lethal . Highly contagious !


This is a global struggle against a severe natural disaster , that has the

potential & the capacity to extinct the human – race .

This is survival .


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Authenticity is your unique individual survival form .

Authenticity is your unique survival form .


Authenticity is your unique individual survival form .


Authenticity is your unique individual survival form in this

world .

In conjunction with the support of the social networks ,

you created , you can live & thrive .



What is Authenticity ?


The dictionary defines authenticity as the subjective beliefs ,

thoughts & desires , that constitute the individual’s self .

A trait that distinct a human – being from the rest .


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