New – Year Resolution – Your environment matters .

New - Year Resolution - Your Environment Matters .


New -Year Resolution – Your environment matters .


New -Year Resolution – Your environment matters .

Your environment is where , with who & how you interact ,

in order to live & thrive . In order to realize your resolution

successfully , you must be able to adapt yourself accordingly .


What is your environment ?

Albert Einstein provided the most accurate definition :

” The environment is everything that isn’t me . “


Meaning – People , Situations & Spaces / by categories :

Your Social & Physical Environments .



Why does your environment matter ?


You are born to & live your life in an ever changing environment .

The environment provides the terms & the conditions by which

your society exists & survives .


It’s upon you to create the path that will lead you to your destination

& will also let your new – year resolution realize .



Negative influences of the environment .


Anything that has the potential to distract you from what you’re

doing , in compliance with your schedule , is a negative interruption .


First there’s the time you’ll waist paying attention to the distraction ,

while you’re engaged in something else .


Second , you’ll find yourself resisting a temptation , instead of

completing what you were doing .

Resisting a temptation is the ultimate test of your willpower .


In case you prefer to follow the temptation , in order to save time

resisting it , bear in mind the possible consequences . It might be

harmful to your well – being & it’ll postpone your schedule further .


Avoiding temptations completely is impossible ; the only option

is to minimize them in order to reduce possible distractions .



Realize your new – year resolution .


With all due respect , your willpower will fail you .

Sooner than you think , the uncertainty of the future , the cognitive

desire for immediate gratification & temptations will transform

your resolution into an attrition war , that will consume your

energy & is bound to fail .


” Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference . ” – Winston



Cultivating positive emotions like : gratitude , compassion & pride ,

encourage a long – term hope , thus support persistency in realization

of your new – year resolution & your other goals .


While gratitude contributes to a higher levels of self – control ,

patience & perseverance , compassion supports a higher tolerance

towards your social circles .


Self – compassion is a source of motivation & pride , not hubris ,

supports perseverance & a mindset growth .



& a few tips :


 – Make use of the Stimulus Control Technique to remind yourself

    constantly of your goals . Place physical objects , that will remind

    you your goals , where you spend most of your time .


 – ” Keep away from people that belittle your ambitions . Small

    people always do that , but the really great make you feel that you ,

    too , can become great . ” – Mark Twain


  – ” Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized

      anyway . ” – Eleanor Roosevelt



 Good Luck !









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