Minimize the risk of getting scammed .

Minimize the risk of getting scammed .

Minimize the risk of getting scammed .


Unfortunately attempts to scam , most of us , became part of our

daily routine .

Scam attempts use all means of access , like : phone , mail , web ,

etc. … , & become more sophisticated as time goes by .

The vast majority of it try , & sometimes succeed to hit our pockets .


One of our highest priorities should be to recognize a scam attempt ,

learn how to avoid it ( protect ourselves ) & report it to the

authorities .


Call To Action .


One of the most updated places to learn more about scams , how to

avoid them & get alerts is the : Federal Trade Commission’s website .



Worst case scenario – Identity theft .


The act of stealing personally identifying information like : full name ,

date of birth , Social Security number , etc. … .

Usually done in order to gain access to a person’s financial resources &

use them , without his / her permission .


The main problem is to stop the process as soon as possible , before it

becomes complicated . One of the few ways to learn about it , is to check

your credit score & monitor changes , at least , twice a month .


Identity theft is not a new phenomena . The term was coined in 1964 .


To learn more about identity theft click here .

The latest identity theft statistics is here .


Real life scam attempt .


The following happened to me a couple of days ago .

 My cell rang ; didn’t look at the caller’s number & picked up .


On the other end , a well – mannered granny , introduced herself

& claimed she calls from a foundation that feeds starving kids .

She mentioned the name of the foundation briefly & started pressing

forward : ” I need your full name & address , so we’ll send you the

donation form ; these kids need food now ” .


Something felt wrong . I excused myself mannerly & ended the call .


Googled the phone number , from which i was contacted . It was

listed as a scam .


Simple steps to minimize risk .


Daily :

1. Use your bank’s A.T.M.s & try to avoid outdoors A.T.M.s .

2. Pay with credit cards instead of debit cards or cash .

3. Complete forms , which require personal information ,

indoors & only in safe places .

4. Don’t throw out bills & credit cards receipts ; shred them .

5. Never carry all your cards & ID.s with you at all times .

Carry only those you need , on your body & inside an

R.F.I.D. blocking wallet .


Online :

1. Install a good reputable internet security software on your

computer & learn how to use it .

2. While out of the house , try to avoid free public networks .

Use your carrier internet connection .

3. Don’t provide any personal information on a non – secured

website . Those without the padlock symbol at the left side

of the address bar .

4. Suspect that a URL or a file is infected ? – Check it here .

5. Use one bank account for all your on – line & automated

transactions . Verify , each week , that the amount of money

in the account , will cover the expenses , but nothing beyond .

6. Set smart alerts on all your bank & credit accounts . Alerts

that will help you monitor transactions .

7. Check your credit score , at least , bimonthly & monitor

changes .

8. Find out here , if any of your e-mail accounts has been compromised .


Learn more here .


Bear in mind – All means are valid & in use ;

Number of scam attempts grow annually ;

Stay alert & do your best to protect yourself .







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