Lower your cost of living

Lower your cost of living


Lower your cost of living .


” The cost of living in the U.S. has risen 14% over the past 3 years “

claims an article @ gobankingrates.com , published on 12 – 27 / 2018 .


This statement was a confirmation of the reality we experience daily .

But even in such a harsh times , there are ways to lower costs & save

money .


I never paid much attention to my monthly utility bills , unless the

amount was way higher than the monthly average . Even then ,

i ended up paying it .


As long as i was content with the service , i kept paying the bills

without questioning the costs .



The wake – up call .


One day i answered a phone call from my cable provider .

They offered a promotion i wasn’t interested in , but i asked about

a certain upgrade to the package i get from them .


I was transferred to their Retention Department & 10 minutes

later it was a done deal . I got the upgrade , kept the rest of the

package as is , but my monthly cost was lowered by 20% , for the

following 12 months .


I always research & negotiate a service before i purchase it , but

this was the first time i did it during recurring .

Mistake , but lesson learned .

Since , i look at the monthly bills more carefully & upon my needs

call & try to get a better deal & service .



Call Customer Service / Retention Department .


In case you’re content with a service , but want to check plans , that

fits your needs better & / will save you money , i urge you to call your

provider’s customer service or retention department & renegotiate

your plan & cost .


Some providers in my area , like Gas , Electricity & Water , have fixed

rates , which means that the only possibility to lower costs is to replace

them .

Research properly & don’t make the move before you’re completely

sure , that the alternative is not a scam !



More ways to save even more .


This is not a promotion & i don’t benefit from it .


7 Ways to conserve water .


Another option is to utilize smart technology .

Smart gadgets are a one time expense , that

pays itself in the long run .


1. The benefits of LED light bulbs ,

2. 3 Smart money saving gadgets .



The bottom line .


With cost of living rising in such a pace , savings of even $ 20

per month , on one bill , translates to a $ 240 saved each year .

That’s extra money for you & your family .


This is the reason why the consumer benefits from the

competition between service providers & it’s a very good

reason to pay more attention to your monthly bills .







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