Life owes us little ; We owe life everything .


 Life owes us little ; We owe life everything .


” Life owes us nothing ; We owe life everything . The only true happiness

comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose . ” – William Cowper


The greatest opportunity given to each & everyone of us , while most of

us let it pass by . Living the moment with limited prospects for tomorrow .


Acceptable routine replaces the motivation to improve & the desire not

to suffer replaces the pursuit of happiness .



Take  control of your life .


Once in a century pandemic & social & political chaos emphasizes  how

fragile life is & that we can change only what’s within our own control .


” Don’t feel entitled anything you didn’t sweat & struggle for . ” – Marian

Wright Edelman


We can’t wait & / trust others to do it for us . It’s time to wake up & realize

that time goes by & nobody will do for us what we won’t do for ourselves .


” Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living . The world owes you

nothing . It was here first . ” – Mark Twain



Every day counts .


In my opinion , one of the most important lessons the COVID – 19 pandemic

taught us , is that reality can change in a split .


What we defined as ” normal daily life ” transformed into a bleak future

overnight . Each day , beyond being the now , is also the future .

Tomorrow we might face a new reality .


” Today is a new day . You will get out of it just what you put into it . “

– Mary Pickford


Time is of the essence . Time lost can never be regained .

What we do everyday reflects progress / decline towards a better tomorrow ,

the following week & … the future .


Beyond that , it influences our sense of hope , which inspires & empower

us to keep coping , despite all of our failures & the difficulties .



Believe in yourself !


Take advantage of the choices & opportunities life provides you .


Stay away from ignorant people that hold you back & socialize with

those that listen & support your efforts & progress .


Limit your footprint on the social media – Each & every one of us

is a unique individual , not a slogan repeating monkey .


Develop your unique vision for life .











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