Elevating daily wise guidance quotes

Elevating daily wise guidance quotes is a collection of inspiring & motivating

sayings , by prominent people throughout history .


Their ability to define & pin point reality & fleeting human interactions can be

acknowledged as daily guidelines for all .



Indira Gandhi – ” Life is a continuous process of adjustment ” .


       Marcus Aurelius – ” The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing ” .


Khalil Gibran – ” The universe is my country & the human family is my

   tribe ” .


       Gertrude Stein – ” Everybody gets so much information , all day long ,

  that they loose their common sense ” .


Nawal El Saadawi – ” Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world

           that lies ” .


       Naguib Mahfouz – ” Fear doesn’t prevent death . It prevents life ” .

                If we reject science , we reject the common man ” .


Susan Rice – ” People are consuming the news that is comfortable for

them ; Not necessarily the news that is real or that they

need to know ” .



References .



Time .


Yasunari Kawabata – ” Cosmic time is the same for everyone , but human

     time differs with each person . Time flows in the same way for all human

     beings ; Every human being flows through time in a different way ” .


Henry the 8th , King of England – ” Of all losses , time is the most irrecuperable ,

for it can never be redeemed ” .


Marcus Aurelius – ” There is a limit to the time assigned you & if you don’t use it to

free yourself , it will be gone & never return ” .


Janis Joplin – ” You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow ” .



     Gratitude .


        Marcus Tullius Cicero – ” Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues ,

      but the parent of all the others ” .


        Elie Wiesel – ” Gratitude is a duty , which ought to be paid , but which

      none have a right to expect ” .

   ” When a person doesn’t have gratitude , something is

      missing in his or her humanity ” .


        Berne Brown – ” I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to

       find happiness – it’s right in front of me , if i’m paying attention

       & practicing gratitude ” .



Happiness .


Ayn Rand – ” Learn to value yourself , which means : fight for your

    happiness ” .


Albert Schweitzer – ” Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when

you share it ” .


       Helen Keller – ” A happy life consists not in the absence , but in the mastery

      of hardships ” .


        Sheri Fink – ” Being your authentic self is the ultimate secret to happiness

       in life ” .



 The individual .


Anne Frank – ” Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news . The good news is

that you don’t know how great you can be ! How much you can love ! What

you can accomplish ! & what your potential is ! “

      ” Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths ,

but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands ” .



Attention !


      Jimi Hendrix – ” Knowledge is speaking , wisdom is listening ” .


 Matsuo Basho – ” Learn how to listen as things speak for themselves ” .


 Mahatma Gandhi – ” Carefully watch your thoughts , for they become your

       words . Manage & watch your words , for they will become your actions .

       Consider & judge your actions , for they have become your habits .

       Acknowledge & watch your habits , for they shall become your values .

       Understand & embrace your values , for they become your destiny ” .


       Condoleezza Rice – ” You might not be able to control your circumstances ,

        but you can control your response to your circumstances ” .



Integrity .


Marcus Aurelius – ” If it is not right , do not do it . If it is not true , do not say it ” .


       Nawal El Saadawi – ” To me , ‘ beauty ‘ means to be natural , creative , honest

– to say the truth ” .


Winston Churchill – ” Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference ” .


Albert Einstein – ” Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character ” .


Akira kurosawa – ” I can’t afford to hate anyone . I don’t have that kind of time ” .



Albert Schweitzer  – ” One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles , possesses

                                the only strength which can overcome adversity ” .


       Michelle Obama – ” Always stay true to yourself & never let what somebody says

distract you from your goals ” .


Jerry Garcia – ” I am in competition with no one . I run my own race . I have no desire

to play the game of being better than anyone , in any way , shape or form . I just aim

to improve , to be better than i was before . That’s me & i’m free ” .



Believe !


Flannery O’Connor – ” Push back against the age , as hard as it pushes against you ” .


Abraham Lincoln – ” In the end , it’s not the years in your life that count . It’s the

                     life in your years ” .


        Golda Meir – ” Trust yourself . Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live

      with all your life ” .



Family .


Daily wise guidance quotes


Michael J. Fox – ” Family is not an important thing , it’s everything ” .


Friedrich Nietzsche – ” In family life love is the oil that eases friction , the cement

that binds closer together & the music that brings harmony ” .


Winston Churchill – ” There is no doubt , that it is around the family & the home ,

that all the greatest virtues , the most dominating virtues of humans , are created ,

strengthened & maintained ” .


George Santayana – ” The family is one of nature’s masterpieces ” .


Elizabeth Berg – ” You are born into your family & your family is born into you .

No returns . No exchanges ” .


Dalai Lama – ” Give the ones you love wings to fly , roots to come back  & reasons

to stay ” .


   Laila Lalami – ” A name is precious ; It carries inside it a language , a history ,

      a set of traditions , a particular way of looking at the world ” .



Friends .


Jim Morrison – ” A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself ” .


Elbert Hubbard – ” A friend is someone who knows all about you & still loves you ” .


Louisa May Alcott – ” A faithfull friend is a strong defense ; And he that hath found

him , hath found a treasure ” .


Winston Churchill – ” You have enemies ? – Good ! That means you’ve stood up

for something , sometime in your life ” .


Henry David Thoreau – ” The language of friendship is not words but meanings “


Michelle Obama – ” Walk away from ‘ friendships ‘ that make you feel small &

      insecure , & seek out people who inspire you & support you ” .



Morning .


Daily wise guidance quotes


Aristotle – ” It is well to be up before daybreak , for such habits contribute to health ,

wealth & wisdom ” .


Marcus Aurelius – ” When you arise in the morning , think of what a precious

privilege it is to be alive – to breath , to think , to enjoy , to love ” .


Eleanor Roosevelt – ” With the new day comes new strength & new thoughts ” .


Miles Davis – ” My future starts when i wake up every morning ” .



Food .


Benjamin Franklin – ” A house is not a home , unless it contains food & fire for

the mind as well as the body ” .


Guy Fieri – ” Food is not just eating energy . It’s an experience ” .


Thomas Keller – ” A recipe has no soul . You , as the cook , must bring soul

to the recipe ” .


Virginia Woolf – ” One can not think well , love well , sleep well , if one has

not dined well ” .


Louis Pasteur – ” Wine is the most healthful & most hygienic of beverages ” .



Routine .


Chris Van Allsburg – ” Your house is all about routine , not the unexpected

events of your life ” .


Shunryu Suzuki – ” Zen is not some kind of excitement , but concentration on

our usual everyday routine ” .


Amos Bronson Alcott – ” The less routine , the more life ” .


Aristotle – ” We are what we repeatedly do . Excellence , then , is not an act ,

but a habit ” .



Work .


Albert Einstein – ” Three rules to work : 1. Out of clutter , find simplicity ;

2. From discord , find harmony ; 3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity ” .


Henry Ford the 2nd – ” The first qualification for success , in my view , is

a strong work ethic ” .


       Michelle Obama – ” Success isn’t about how much money you make . It’s about

     the difference you make in people’s life ” .


Vince Lombardi – ” The dictionary is the only place , that success comes before

work . Work is the key to success & hard work can help you accomplish anything ” .


Mary Lou Retton – ” Working hard becomes a habit , a serious kind of fun . You

get self – satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit , knowing that all the

effort is going to pay off ” .


Alfred Nobel – ” Success is not a place at which one arrives , but rather the spirit

with which one undertakes & continues the journey ” .


   Susan Rice – ” Focus on something that stirs your soul ; It’s hard to excel at

     anything that you don’t love ” .


Meryl Streep – ” Choose a job you love & you will never have to work a day in

your life ” .



Leisure .


Pope Francis – ” Together with a culture of work , there must be a culture of leisure

as gratification . To put it in another way : People who work , must take time to

relax , to be with their families , to enjoy themselves , read , listen to music ,

play a sport ” .


Ovid – ” In our leisure , we reveal what kind of people we are ” .


Virginia Woolf – ” If you are losing your leisure , look out ! It may be you are

losing your soul ” .


Aristotle – ” We should be able , not only to work well , but to use leisure well ” .



Evening & Night .


Daily wise guidance quotes 


Joseph Joubert – ” The evening of a well spent life , brings it’s lamps with it ” .


       Frida Kahlo – ” At the end of the day , we can endure much more than we think

     we can ” .


Seneca – ” Every night , before going to sleep , we must ask ourselves : What weakness

did i overcome today ? What virtue did i acquire ? ” .


George Orwell – ” Day is over , night has come . Today is gone , what’s done is done .

Embrace your dreams , through the night , tomorrow comes with a whole new light ” .



Freedom .


Toni Morrison – ” Freedom is choosing your responsibility . It’s not having no

      responsibilities ; It’s choosing the ones you want ” .


Benazir Bhutto – ” Freedom is not an end . Freedom is a beginning ” .


Toni Morrison – ” The function of freedom is to free someone else ” .


Manal Al Sharif – ” A child can’t be free if his / her mother is not free .

      A husband can’t be free if his wife is not free . The society is nothing

      if women are nothing ” .


Moshe Dayan – ” Freedom is the oxygen of the soul ” .




& Don’t Forget


” Every life is worthy & every life is capable of greatness . “

– Condoleezza Rice


 You must be the change , you wish to see in the world . “

– Mahatma Gandhi


” While living , i want to live well ” .

– Geronimo





References .


Quotes Sources : 1 . Wiki Quote ;

     2 . Brainy Quote ;

     3 . A Z Quotes ;

     4 . Wise Old Sayings .


Open Wikipedia  for information about the

person related to the quote .

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