How your food consumption affects your brain ?

How food affects the brain


Intro – Your diet & your brain .


How your food consumption affects your brain ?

– Your daily diet affects the structure & the function

of your brain directly & immediately .


The human brain is the central organ of the nervous system

& the most powerful organ in the body .

It controls most of the body’s activities 24 / 7 , a lifetime .


Despite being about 2 % of the body’s weight , it consumes

around 20 % of the daily energy intake .



The brain nutrients .


Macronutrients :


Fats – Fatty acids called Lipids ; From our daily diet .

They provide structural material to maintain brain cells

( called neurons ) .


Notable : Omega 3 & Omega 6 .


Saturated & trans fats damage brain cells membranes ,

thus destroy brain cells .


Proteins & Amino Acids – From our daily diet .

Proteins are made from chains of amino acids , that are

attached to each other by peptide bonds .

They regulate & optimize brain function , by providing

essential nutrients to the brain cells .


Carbohydrates – From our daily diet .

The body converts Carbohydrates to Glucose ( Blood

Sugar ) . The glucose is absorbed in the bloodstream , &

with support of insulin , becomes the main source of energy

that regulates brain cells function & their metabolism . Thus ,

determines how the body & the brain will respond to your diet .


Carbohydrates are : Starch , Sugar & Fiber .


Micronutrients :


Vitamins & Minerals – From our daily diet or as food supplements .

Vitamins & minerals are required in small quantities , but are

essential for normal metabolism , growth & development .


Notable Vitamins : B6 , B12 , Folic Acid , Antioxidants .

Notable Minerals : Iron , Copper , Zinc , Sodium .



What should you limit in your diet ?


Limit the consumption of this 3 nutrients in your food , for

improved mental & physical health .


Check the following on the labels of the food you consume :


1. Saturated fat – Origins mainly in animals . Stick to 0 % .

Replace with Unsaturated fat , that origins in plants .


2. Sodium – The majority origin in processed &  packed food .

Less than 200 mg , per serving , is recommended .


3. Sugars – 5 g or less , per serving , is recommended . Replace

with fresh fruits & vegetables .


Sugars are found in fruits , vegetables , grains , dairy &

processed & refined foods .


The glucose / blood sugar level should be checked

within a range ;  Otherwise , it will jeopardize your

health severely .


Adopt this , as a new & easy to follow habit , that will improve

your whole body health & your feeling .



So , which diet promotes brain health ?


Diet is personal & individual .


Most scientific researches , that highlight pro’s & con’s , establish

their conclusion on a group of people , that have something in

common between them . Something which is relevant to the

research .


What works for one , won’t necessarily work or affect the other at

the same level & with the same intensity .


First & foremost , get your annual checkup & then consult your

health professional for advice .


The best diet for brain health is the same one , that is the best for

heart health . Learn more here .


& don’t forget to exercise , on a regular basis , & drink a lot of water .










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