Hoarding Disorder – Definition , Symptoms , Causes & Treatment

Hoarding Disorder
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Hoarding Disorder – Definition .


Hoarding – The action of accumulating items & piling them

                        on different surfaces , in the living / working space .


Hoarding Disorder – Mental disorder . The compulsive urge

                        to accumulate items , combined with the persistent

                        inability to discard them .


                       Hoarding Disorder ranges from mild to severe .

                       Decided upon the extent of the Hoarder’s dysfunctional

                       level in his / hers daily life .



Hoarder vs. Collector .


  • Behavior – Compulsive urge ( to fulfill emotional needs ) results in

discomfort . A passion for the collection results in pleasure .


  • Organization – Piles of items can be all over the place & they are not

 categorized . A collection has it’s dedicated space , is categorized

 & maintained .



H. D. Symptoms .


As time goes by , the clutter gradually grows . The piles of items cover

more & more surfaces & block access to them .


Slowly but surely , the ability of the Hoarder & others , that live with

him / her , to live & function properly ,on a daily basis , diminish .


As a result , personal hygiene & sanitation & safety conditions , in the

living space , deteriorate .



H. D. Causes .


  • The process of gathering information .

Hoarder pays attention to unusual details of an item .


The 3 main reasons we keep items are : 1. Sentimentality ,

 2. Aesthetics , 3. Usefulness .

Hoarder’s reasons are magnified & respond to fulfill intense

emotional needs .

In any case , he / she feels a strong bond with the item .


Simple considerations , like : Do i have a use for it ? & / Do i need it ?

& / Do i have the space for it ? , are irrelevant for him .


  • Organization .

Hoarder organize items visually & spatially , not categorically . The item

is somewhere in the pile , which is located on top of that surface .


  • The process of decision making .

Since a Hoarder prioritize a different set of qualities , in an item , decision

making , even what others consider a simple one , is difficult & may cause

him embarrassment .



Hoarding Disorder Treatment .


The common treatment for Hoarding Disorder is :

Cognitive  Behavioral Therapy .

C. B. T. is a form of psychotherapy . A psycho – social intervention , which

aims to improve the patient’s mental health .


Cognitive Therapy – Examine the patient’s thoughts & beliefs .

Behavioral Therapy – Examine the patient’s actions .

The focus is on what effects the patient’s life now / in the present .


C. B. T. is based on a theory that assumes a person’s thoughts &

beliefs affect his / her feelings & behavior .

Repetition of the same cycle , again & again , turns it to a habit .


The therapist will try to break the cycle .

He / She will challenge the thoughts & beliefs , that have a negative

effect on the patient’s life . The idea is to help the patient understand

what is wrong & why .

In the next phase , the therapist will offer the patient alternative sets

of ideas to think about . Ideas that will help get his / her life back on

track .










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