Happiness , Positive Emotions & Well Being .

Introduction .


Happiness , Positive Emotions & Well Being .

 This are terms that define our Quality of Life .

Here you’ll find their definitions , how do they relate to

each other & to what extent they effect our daily life .


Even if our definition of Happiness is different , we all

realize it’s importance , in our life .

Who doesn’t want to be happier & share Happiness

more often ?


Happiness is subjective .

Click here to learn how you can enhance yours .



Happiness – Definition .

Happiness – Definition : Pleasant , positive emotions , that

an individual experiences at a present moment .

Since it’s subjective , it can be expressed & rated , by a wide range

of synonymous terms : contentment , joy , bliss , glee , elation , etc. .


Happiness originated from the word : Happy .

The original meaning was : good fortune or prosperity .

Interesting how the definition evolved , from a personal state of

accomplishment in life to positive emotions .


What determines Happiness ?

According to Positive Psychology , positive emotions , on their own ,

don’t make an individual happy . They represent only the affective

part of the equation . The other essential part is the individual positive ,

cognitive evaluation of his / her life , at that point in time .


This is the idea behind the term : Subjective Well Being .

It explains , why in researches , Subjective Well Being Happiness

 are being used alternately .


Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky created an approximate model of :

What determines Happiness ?

About 50 % – Of our ability to become happy is genetic ;

 10 % – Are life circumstances , which describe all aspects of our life ;

 40 % – Is intentional activity , which is our approach to life . The way

      we act & behave , on the pursuit of our life goals .


The Greek word Eudaimonia is defined in philosophy , as the

individual’s right intentional activity . The kind of activity that leads

to a positive Well Being .


Why is Happiness important ?

Happiness rises at a certain present moment , in our life , & then fades ,

till the next time . Fleeting .

As the poet , Robert Frost said : ” Happiness makes up in height for what

it lacks in length ” .

What’s left are positive emotions .


Professor Barbara Fredrickson , researched & found that positive

emotions effect us in two ways :

1. They open us , by enhancing the boundaries of our minds & our hearts .

Our perception of our environment widen & our peripheral vision increases :

 – Let us see more opportunities & possibilities ;

 – Turn us more creative : develop more ideas & make better decisions ;

 – We become more resilient to both , failures & health issues ;

 – Help us become more sociable , involved & trustworthy .

2. They transform us , biologically , & bring out the best in us .

Science research found that emotions effect the level of the cellular change

in our bodies . Since , 1% of the human cell count renew every 24 hours ,

a whole body renewal takes about 100 days .


Change an individual’s level of positive emotions is possible , but difficult .

It’s a continual process , that requires a lifestyle change , a strong will , self

control & a great effort .


Well Being .

Professor Martin Seligman , the father of Positive Psychology , developed

the theory of Well Being . The theory consists of 5 components , that an

individual must have & nourish in order to flourish in life . The P.E.R.M.A. .


The stepping stone was his theory about Happiness .

The theory suggests that an individual must apply his best traits , on a daily

basis , in order to create a good life for himself .


The Happiness theory consists of 3 components :

 positive emotions – All the emotions that are connected & lead to positive

    results . Not only Happiness ; Satisfaction , Pride , Awe etc. . Subjective .

E  engagement – The individual’s engagement in activity , that draws his / her

     interest & complete attention to a Flow . Flow is a mental state , defined

     as a complete absorption of the individual in the activity . Absorption to a point

     of loosing senses of time & space . Subjective .

M meaningful life – The reason behind the individual’s daily conduct . Which

      entities , larger than himself , does he / she serve ? like :Family , Community ,

      Country , etc. .


In 2011 , nine years later , Professor Seligman published the P.E.R.M.A. .

He explained that the Happiness theory was a single dimension . It was too

dependent on the individual’s mood & didn’t include enough components .


The P.E.R.M.A. added two more components :

R  relationships – Building relationships is inevitable part of the human

     experience . Positive relationships support the other four components .

A  accomplishments – Whether private or public based , accomplishments are

     realization of the individual’s life goals & Achievements . Accomplishments

     also support the other four components .

Professor Seligman added that each component should be :

1. Defined & measured on it’s own ;

2. Pursued , by individuals , on it’s own .


Happiness , Subjective Well Being & Well being .


Conclusion – Each of the terms is a stand alone . Happiness & Subjective

Well Being are key components in the perception of Well Being .

Since Well Being can be defined & measured , it’s being used , by international

organizations , to compare between countries .


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