Global reality turned into sci fi horror movie .

Reality turned a sci fi horror movie


Global reality turned into sci fi horror movie .


Global reality turned into sci fi horror movie . As times go by , the COVID – 19

pandemic changes reality as we knew it .


The key term to what the whole world experience , since December

2019 , is NOVEL – New & Unknown .

The learning process progresses on a daily bases , as the numbers of

positive cases & the death toll grow worldwide .


When will the COVID – 19 pandemic end ?



Fear guided the Lockdown compliance at the beginning . Statistics

proved the effectiveness the Lockdown , by pointing a daily regression

in the spread .


The Social Distancing policy on the other end , was never communicated

clear enough , to the public , from the beginning .

People follow non – detailed guidelines the way they perceive it individually .

When not supervised , they follow the guidelines upon conveniency .

No wonder certain parts of the population suffered bigger loses .


As the economy reopens , more people will interact in public , supposedly

following the guidelines ( most people will ! ) , & the numbers will rise , again .



Reopening the economy is the next scene .


Reopening the economy , in a cautious methodical manner , is the first

step of getting back to ” normal life ” .

New kind of normal , not the normal we are familiar with .


Experience like no other – Life worldwide were paused & people sheltered

at their homes .


While essential services & businesses continue operations , the majority

of the rest shut down .


As time went by , it was clear that economic recession  is inevitable . Soon ,

a peak number of people lost their jobs & many businesses declared

bankruptcy & others just closed .


Most people got hurt , financially & mentally . They couldn’t pay bills & didn’t

have money to feed their families , while the Coronavirus kept spreading &

claiming thousands of lives .


Reopening the economy will help many of us get back a grip on our lives &

slowly recover from the traumatic experience caused by the COVID – 19 .



This sci fi movie won’t end soon .


According to public health experts , we are at the early stages of this

pandemic , thus the worse is yet to come .

While it’s a novel type of coronavirus , the experts found similarities

to pneumonia , which starts its annual spread around September .

State governors , in cooperation with public health experts , do their best

to make sure the economy reopening will be safe , with minimum number

of life lost , so ” normal life ” will become the preferred choice .


We , the people , have a personal responsibility to follow the guidelines

they provide us ,  to prove that we care about others & that human life

matter .


” When you are good to others , you are best to yourself . “

– Benjamin Franklin







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