Gerrymandering – Creative Human Bias Practice .

Gerrymandering & The Human Bias

Gerrymandering . Click .


Gerrymandering – Creative Human Bias Practice .


Gerrymandering is a creative human bias practice , that affects

the political path of a democracy directly . Second only to election .


It is the reason why there is a difference between the electoral

vote & the popular vote .

While the popular vote indicates the nominee that won the majority

vote , the electoral vote decides who won the elections .



Gerrymandering – Definition .


The practice of manipulating electoral districts’s boundaries , in

order to establish electoral advantage for a certain political party

& / protect incumbents .



The law .


In the U.S.A. electoral districts change , usually , every 10 years ,

following the changes in demographics , pointed by the

decennial census .


The idea is simple . I’ll use the House of Representatives to explain .


A law from 1911 , set the number of representatives in the House

@ 435 ( the law realized only @ 1913 ) .

Then , 1 representative per 30,000 people ; 2010 – 1 representative

per 700,000 people .

The Supreme Court created the guideline for states  with more than

1 representative . Based on the constitution’s ” By the people ” , each

electoral district in the state must have nearly  identical population .


The state legislature is responsible for updating the electoral districts

& the state governor signs them into law .



The eponym .


Even though there is evidence that Gerrymandering was practiced

in 1788 , the term was  coined 1n 1812 .


Elbridge Gerry was the 5th Vice President of The U.S.A. , but before

becoming the Vice President , he was elected , twice , as the 9th

governor of Massachusetts .


The Creative Human Bias .


During his 2nd term in office , the MA legislature approved new state

senate districts . It was clear that the districts boundaries were manipulated ,

so the Republican controlled legislature was trying to enhance the control

of the Republican party over state & national offices .

Governor Gerry signed the bill into a law .


The 2nd part of the eponym comes from the word : Salamander .

The updated electoral districts map had a clear image of a Salamander .

It was first published as a political cartoon on the Boston Gazette @

3 – 26 / 1812 .

Here you can see how creative were those legislators .



After the following election in MA , the Republican party maintained

it’s control over the state senate , but Elbridge Gerry lost the governorship

& went to D.C. , to become James Madison’s Vice President .








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