Affordable Health Care , NY , 2019

Affordable Health Care NY

Affordable Health Care Plans

@ NY State Marketplace .


What’s new in the 2019 NY Affordable  Health Care :


1. Uninsured – Starting at 2019 , purchasing Health Care

     plan is not mandatory anymore . It means , that no one

     will have to pay a penalty fee , when filing 2019 tax return .


2. Deadlines  – Enroll by : 12 – 15 / 2018 , for a coverage

      starting : 1 – 1 / 2019 .


3. Eligibility  – To enroll to NY State marketplace you must

      be : A legal U.S. citizen or resident & not incarcerated .


4. Coverage   – Essential health benefits , pre – existing conditions

     & preventive services .


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