Authenticity is your unique individual survival form .

Authenticity is your unique survival form .


Authenticity is your unique individual survival form .


Authenticity is your unique individual survival form in this

world .

In conjunction with the support of the social networks ,

you created , you can live & thrive .



What is Authenticity ?


The dictionary defines authenticity as the subjective beliefs ,

thoughts & desires , that constitute the individual’s self .

A trait that distinct a human – being from the rest .



Existential philosophy & psychology regard authenticity as the

level , to which the individual’s actions , in the external world ,

manifest his / hers unique self .


While Existentialism emphasizes the freedom of the individual

to create his / hers own future , Essentialism demands that the

individual will follow a preordained destiny .



Attachment & Authenticity .


Humans are born the least developed , the least mature & the

most dependent , for the longest period of time , than all other

creatures .


Attachment is a deep enduring emotional bond between humans ,

that is fundamental for our survival , from the day we’re born to

the day we depart .


While attachment represent the context of society & the social

groups , each individual is a part of , authenticity is what defines

each individual .


Since attachment is a basic survival need , incompatibility

between authenticity & attachment causes the individual to

” delete ” the self , to a certain degree , in order to belong /

be a part of a group .


Furthermore , repressed self was proven by science as a cause

of mental & physical disabilities .



The importance of being authentic .


” If you don’t know who you truly are , you’ll never know what

   you really want . ” – Roy T. Booker


2 Elements are responsible for the our ability to be

authentic :

1. To be aware of the existence of a true – self . A task

    which requires self – reflection & introspection .

2. To be willing & able to express the true – self

     daily , through actions & inter – actions .



Exercise for Authenticity .


1. Practice mindfulness – Research suggests , that

     mindfulness encourages us to translate our values & beliefs

     into our daily actions .


2. Don’t judge – Tell your own truth .


3. Try to avoid telling lies – Lies make us feel like constraint &

     constriction , while the truth makes us feel free & stronger .


4. Be yourself – Be in your business & present & not in others

     businesses .


5. Accept yourself , as you really are , including all your virtues

    & vices .


6. Invest & create positive & meaningful relationships –

     Create & share more with others ;

     Spend more time with people that understand & support you ;

     Learn how to acknowledge a constructive feedback .



” Happiness is when what you think , what you say

& what you do , are in harmony . ” – Mahatma Gandhi







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