All about Empathy – Definition , Types , Importance & more .

All about Empathy .

Empathy is a stepping stone in the human society .

Understanding Empathy & learning how to enhance it ,

is beneficial for both the individual & his / her social environment .


Empathy – Definition .

Empathy is the individual ability to sense , understand & share

another individual’s emotions , feelings & thoughts , from the

other individual’s point of view .

Additional definition , is the individual’s imaginative ability to

project his subjective thought into an object , as if it is the object’s

own attribute .


The mechanism behind Empathy .

Cognitive Psychology & cognitive neuroscience suggest that Empathy

can be explained by the : Mirror Neuro System in primates brains .

This system provides the biological mechanism for perception / action .

Every time we watch action , our brain release a neuron ( cell ) , similar

to the one it would released , if we preformed that same action .

The idea is : imitation .


Is Empathy genetic ?

A recent study , led by a team from : Cambridge University ( in the U.K. )

concluded : 1. A personal level of Empathy is partially determined by

genetics , 2. Women are , on average , more empathetic than men .

However , Empathy can be enhanced .

Hearing the other , listening to the tone of his voice & interpreting his /

her body – language ( like : eye contact , facial expressions & posture )

are skills , that can be learned .


The word : Empathy in English , is a translation of the German word :

Einfuhlung , that means : ” in – feeling ” or ” feeling into ” .


Types of Empathy .

In order to understand what types of Empathy exist , it is essential to

explain the difference between emotions & feelings .


Emotions are low – level responses in the brain , that create biochemical

reactions in the body . This reactions alter the body’s physical state .

Emotional reactions are coded in our genes & vary slightly among people .

Emotions precede feelings & are physical & instinctual .


Feelings originate in the brain too , but as mental reactions to emotions .

A subjective mental description , based on personal experiences , memories

& believes , that provide a meaning to the current physical state of the body .


Three types of Empathy .

1. Affective / Emotional EMPATHY – Sensing the other’s emotions

to a level in which you can imaginatively share & understand his physical

state .

2. Cognitive Empathy / Perspective Taking – Learning &

understanding the other’s state of mind ( his / her feelings , thoughts etc. ) ,

from his / her point of view .

3. Empathic Concern / Compassionate Empathy – Beyond

Empathizing with the other , it includes the action taken to provide him

relief & solve his / her problem to a certain extent .


Between Empathy & Sympathy .

While Empathy originates in a deeper , more profound , level of personal

emotions , Sympathy originates in a mental level .

Sympathy is expressing feelings of concern to the other’s state , without

necessarily understanding the problem .

Additional definition , is acknowledgement of a statement or an idea .


The importance of Empathy .

Empathy matters in every aspect of our life & is essential to human

society .

Inter – personal collaboration , trust & bringing – up the next generation

are the keys to survival & they all derive from Empathy .


The Botton Line :

” We all need to see each other , to bring out the full potential in others ” .






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