Affordable Health Care , NY , 2019

Affordable Health Care NY

Affordable Health Care Plans

@ NY State Marketplace .


What’s new in the 2019 NY Affordable  Health Care :


1. Uninsured – Starting at 2019 , purchasing Health Care

     plan is not mandatory anymore . It means , that no one

     will have to pay a penalty fee , when filing 2019 tax return .


2. Deadlines  – Enroll by : 12 – 15 / 2018 , for a coverage

      starting : 1 – 1 / 2019 .


3. Eligibility  – To enroll to NY State marketplace you must

      be : A legal U.S. citizen or resident & not incarcerated .


4. Coverage   – Essential health benefits , pre – existing conditions

     & preventive services .



Other Health Care options , including the uninsured :


1. Federal – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services .

     Find a Health Care center near you here . Free or low cost .


2. New York – The Institute for Family Health .

     Sliding scale fees – Based on your ability to pay , but no one

     is turned away .


3. New York City – Free & low cost Health Care resources .

     Click here .


Why is health insurance so expensive 

in the U.S. ?


The Human Factor .


1. Administrative Costs – According to Harvard economist ,

    David Cutler , the administrative costs of running the U.S. Health

    Care system are astronomical & are responsible for about one

    quarter of the Health Care cost .

    Other developed countries have a single – payer system , while

    the U.S. has numerous billing methods , that occupy numerous

    billing specialists .


2. Defensive Medicine – Practice of defensive medicine is very

     popular among U.S. doctors ; More than care for your health , it’s

     practiced to protect themselves against lawsuits .

     According to a Gallup survey , about $ 650 billion , annually ,

     attributed to defensive medicine . All of us share & pay the bill .

     It’s pathetic how a great idea , Preventive Medicine , that helps

     to save human life , realized as a wasted individual & public

     monetary resources .


3. Too Many Referrals To Specialists – Specialists charge a lot

     more than primary care physicians . More & more treatments ,

     that can be performed by p.c.p.s are being referred to specialists .


The Drug Factor .


4. Drug Costs – In other developed countries , governments negotiate

     drug prices with the drug manufacturers ; Not in the U.S. .


The Facility Factor .


5. Over Use Of Expensive Technologies – In comparison to other

     developed countries , the U.S. Health Care system uses three times

     more mammograms , two & a half time more M.R.I.s & so forth .

     Hugh investment in latest technologies .


6. Branding – The more prestigious the medical institute is ,

     the higher it charges patrons for the services it provides .


7. Cross Market Hospital Mergers – Cross market is either

     operating in different geographical areas of the same state or

     providing different service lines in the same area .

     Both ways , competition is reduced  & the hospital system

     leverage against the health insurance companies is stronger .


The bottom line .


A survey done on 2015 , to the request of the International

Federation of Health Plans , compared Health Care prices in

 seven developed countries , including the U.S. .

 The survey found :

  1. Health Care costs in the U.S. were elevated , compared to

       costs in the other countries :

  2. There was a significant difference in what people , in the

               U.S. , paid for the same drug or medical procedure .


  Tom Sackville , the C.E.O. of I.F.H.P. , concluded – The survey

   pointed the damaging effects of the inadequately regulated

   U.S. Health Care market .


   Health Affairs journal , which is considered ” The bible of health

   policy in the U.S. ” , projected that by 2025 , Health Care costs

   will be about 20.1% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product .

   Till then , spending on Health Care will grow by 5.8% each year .


   This should alarm our government & have it find a solution

    a.s.a.p. . A solution that will benefit all the citizens & residents

    of this amazing country .







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