About gifts & the custom of gift giving .
Gifts & the custom of gift giving – A practice as ancient as the human
society .
The popular definition of gift giving describes the term as a voluntary
practice , in which a material , money or a service exchanges ownership ,
without a compensation & without the intention to get one in the future .
Why we give gifts ?
On certain occasions , as a custom , it’s almost necessary , but beyond
that , it’s how the giver expresses appreciation to the value the recipient
adds to their relationship .
Gift Economy .
Gift economy emphasizes the role of creating / maintaining /sustaining
relationship , through the practice of gift giving .
Unlike the reciprocity in barter & market economy , it’s a one way
& not a mutual transaction . The giver doesn’t expect a material gain ,
even though his / her conduct might elevate his / her social status .
Gift Giving Psychology .
Psychology supports the gift giving purpose of creating / maintaining
/ sustaining the relationship between the giver and the recipient , but
adds the notion that a gift should maximize the happiness of the recipient .
Guidelines for a successful gift – giving .
You want the recipient to enjoy your gift , which means , you need
a game plan . Otherwise , your gift might be stored , thrown out or
regifted .
1. Ask your intended recipient what he wants . If he / she answers
that he / she doesn’t want your gift – Don’t get / buy a gift .
2. If it’s impossible to ask him / her directly ask his / her close family
members or friends the same question .
3. Cost vs Quality – Value is always a deciding factor . In this case ,
value should be defined by a longer term usability & as a positive
experience for the recipient .
If you care , you definitely don’t want to see the recipient abandon
your gift within the first day .
4. Monetary , Material / Experience Gift – Depending on the context ,
choose the category of your gift .
Money for example , unless a huge amount , will fit a wedding
registry . Otherwise , its usability is a very short term .
Material gift will do when you’re looking to maintain your relationship
with the recipient .
Experience means memories & will sustain a relationship .
If you’re looking to sustain your relationship even further to a level
of intimacy , a shared experience might be a good choice .